Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Grass is Greener and Red, White and Blue

I saw this picture on Pinterest today.  I could not find where it was originally posted so I googled it.  See the links below to see where I found the backdrop of my story.

My story.

Tomorrow is 4th of July or Independence Day.  It is a day that we are suppose to come together as a country and celebrate the freedoms the founding father's fought to create for its future generations. It is a day to spend time with your family, go to the main street parade, wave the flag proudly and eat america favorites from the grill.

As I have been on Facebook over the last few week days, I read many people saying that they are not into celebrating Independence Day this year because their freedom has been robbed of them.  Really?????

True, you are now going to be forced to buy health insurance and maybe you will have to pay higher taxes. Who knows! Many people believe there is a clown in the white house while many people think he is the best president since Abraham Lincoln. We are a country divided in politics, social correctness, religion, lifestyles, immigration, etc.

I know there are many American suffering right now.  There are people with no job or a job that does not pay all the bills, small businesses going out of business, food and gas prices going up, wildfires and droughts, flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, lost homes, lost family members and the list goes on and on.

I guess what I am trying to say, is I know life is not great for everyone, but we, as Americans, are truly blessed to live in this country.  No reason to celebration our country's birthday?  Really???  If you live in this country you have more to be thankful for than most of the world could dream is possible!

On with my I posted the picture above.  I love this picture.  Grass!  How many of you have complained about mowing the grass in the last week?  I live in apartment so I do actually do the mowing, but I complain every time the crew that does the mowing comes.  They are loud and it is generally at 8am when I am trying to sleep.  Freshly cut grass also does a number on my allergies.

Grass, simple grass.  One soldier, Warrant Officer Brook Walker, missed the smell grass while deployed in Iraq in 2004.  So he asked his wife to send him grass seed and she did, and he went to work.  He grew a little plot of grass in the middle of the 120 degree dessert.  He watered it with a bucket from the bathroom 3 times a day, built an awning to shade it from the sun and used a pair of scissors to cut the grass.

So I say to those who don't think there is anything to be celebrated this year for Independence Day, I say stop and smell the grass and think, what would you miss if you were to move somewhere else or if this county found itself with a different form of Government?

a car
being able to buy groceries whenever you want and whatever you want
indoor plumbing
clean water
a closet full of clothes
more shoes than any one person really needs
freedom to voice your opinion about politics and not being punished for it
being able to dress as you wish
women being free and not property of their husband
being able to vote
tv, internet, phones, cell phones, texting, pictures, facebook, pinterest, etc.
being able to have the number of children you want
freedom of speech
freedom to bear arms
property ownership
having the job that you choose
access to healthcare
recreational opportunities
religious freedom

I am thankful for these and many other freedoms!  So tomorrow, July 4th, 2012, I will be celebrating my country's Independence Day.  It maybe an imperfect place, but it is the land where all are free.  It is a land of opportunity.  It is a land of general love and brotherhood!

My God! How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy! ~Thomas Jefferson

Happy Birthday, America!
